Committees &Commissions
Ignite supports, equips, and encourages pastors and congregations in the development of missional leadership with the goal of loving this world with the love of Christ.
The Round Table is made up of a representative from each committee/commission of the Presbytery. Together, they plan Presbytery gatherings and meetings and seek to provide a vision for our common mission and ministry.
The Trustees and Financial Resources Commission are tasked with exercising stewardship over the funds and property of the Presbytery, as well as providing financial guidance to congregations.
The Commission on Ministers & Congregations (COMC) provides support to congregations and ministers at all stages in their ministry.
The Committee on Leadership (COL) provides support, feedback, and guidance to the staff and leadership of the Presbytery.
The Commission on Preparation for Missional Ministry (CPMM) guides the official preparation process for people seeking to become Teaching Elders or Commissioned Ruling Elders.
The Committee on Nominations and Representation (CORN) prayerfully discerns how the gifts and talents of ministers and church members may enhance the work of the committees/commissions of the Presbytery.