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New Castle Presbytery believes that God is calling us to bold and energetic sparking and kindling of our churches’ connections with their communities. We restructured our funding several years ago so that most of it is invested in generative mission and how we live into the Matthew 25 movement, focusing on congregational vitality through courageous compassion in anti-racism work and breaking the cycles of poverty.


Ignite supports a broad range of ministries:

  • COVENANTAL PARTNERS – Presbytery entities doing powerful work with communities both local and international.

  • CONGREGATIONAL TRANSFORMATION – Resources for churches that want to thrive. Our current focus is our adapted version of the Vital Congregations Initiative 

  • CONGREGATIONAL PARTNERSHIP GRANTS – Proposals from congregations who are partnering with outside organizations to do transformative work.


Ways We Seek To Live Into This
Challenge and Call:



We invite proposals for partnerships from congregations to be supported, funded, and encouraged through our significant presbytery resources. Ignite Grants are more than financial help; they are intended to promote the kind of collaboration that honors what God is doing inside and outside the Church.


Our Covenantal Partnerships are presbytery entities that do powerful work with communities both local and international. We support, encourage, advocate, and provide accountability for:


We need one another to live into the vibrant and thriving vision God has for us. It takes ongoing energy and support, and we provide a variety of resources and coaching.  We are currently engaged in our tailor-adapted version of the Vital Congregations Initiative, featuring a local facilitator for each congregation who wants one, and cohorts for mutual care, encouragement, and creativity.



For general resources to assist you or your congregation with Ignite

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