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New Castle Presbytery’s CPMM looks forward to partnering with sessions and congregations in supporting those called into discernment and preparation for ordered ministry.


  • Determine that the individual has been an active member of your congregation for a minimum of six months

  • Consult with the CPMM chairperson for information and forms to be completed as well as a date for the session to be visited by a member of the CPMM for initial conversations on the whole process.

  • Receive papers (Forms 1, 2A & 2B) from the applicant and distribute them to the Session prior to the interview.

  • Interview the potential Inquirer. Possible areas for consideration are:

    • What personal qualities are evidences of a healthy and vital faith in God through Jesus Christ

    • How is that faith currently being expressed through the individual’s participation in the worship, life and mission of this congregation?

    • What various motivations impel the sense of call?

    • What real and potential talents for ministry are evident in this individual?

    • What is the level and adequacy of the individual’s academic interest, ability and motivation?

    • What is the evidence of his/her physical health and stamina?

    • What is the evidence of his/her emotional well-being?

    • What is the evidence of his/her self-discipline?

    • How does the individual plan to finance his or her education?


Send a positive recommendation concerning the applicant, originals of applicants papers (Forms 1A-1D), along with the information on the session’s liaison to the CPMM chairperson. The CPMM will then interview the person and make a recommendation. If the CPMM recommendation is negative, it will be explained to the sponsoring session.

*Please note: the date of acceptance by the CPMM is the beginning of the inquirer phase.


  • Following CPMM’s affirmative vote, you may include recognition of the person as an inquirer in a worship service. This will help the whole congregation to know the person and to know of his/her plans for ministry.

  • Prepare to pay at least 1/3 of the cost of the individual’s career evaluation and psychological testing required by the CPMM. The Presbytery pays 1/3 and the individual pays the other 1/3 unless the church chooses to pay this portion.

  • Provide financial support for education, if necessary, and, if possible. Many churches give an amount each month. You may also help with some kind of scholarship program involving loans and/or grants.

  • Stay in contact with the inquirer. Be sure to send the church newsletter and other information that would regularly be sent to members.

  • Always remember the individual’s family. They too have made a big adjustment, especially if moving away to seminary is involved

  • Invite the person to assist in worship and/or to preach.

  • Plan to have the Session liaison attend the annual CPMM consultations

  • Review the report of each annual consultation and be aware of specific areas of growth as well as areas to receive special efforts for the following year.

  • When appropriate, receive from the Inquirer Forms 5A & 5B in preparation for the interview considering movement to candidacy status. All session members should have these before the interview.

  • Interview the Inquirer concerning the transition to candidacy, using as a basis Forms 5A & 5B, personal discussions, consultation reports, and the six statements of the  PC(USA) Advisory Handbook page 8) The following are helpful suggestions:

    • Does the person’s faith enlighten life or obscure it?

    • Does the inner sense of call seem real to you, and healthy?

    • Does the person have the talents to be a Minister of the Word?

    • Would you be pleased to have this person be your pastor?

Following the interview, make a recommendation to the CPMM chairperson concerning the transition along with originals of Forms 5A & 5B.


  • Following the CPMM’s affirmative vote, you may include recognition of the person’s candidacy in a worship service. This will help the whole congregation to know the person and to know of his/her plans for ministry.

  • Continue to offer guidance, support, and financial aid as the individual completes the necessary requirements and becomes certified for ordination. Many churches give a monetary amount each month. You may also help with some kind of scholarship program involving loans and/or grants.

  • When an appropriate call for service has been accepted and the person has been ordained, remove his/her name from the membership roll while continuing to pray for this person that he/she be a willing participant in God’s plan.


Always remember if it is determined that an individual’s gifts and call are not leading toward ordination, the process has still been a success. The ultimate goal is to find each person’s God-chosen place of service and, as Presbyterians, we believe we are all called to minister.

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